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건의 게시판
Solution for balancing all classes of Buff and Debuff in skills and Addon Tier in skills
2023.08.01 21:34
496 1
최근 수정 일시 : 2023.08.01 21:34
Pearl Abyss Why not leave it for each class like it happens in BON by AWK.
That each player can choose the distribution of each class of (Buff and Debuff) skills,
leaving the limit of ONE (Buff and Debuff) of each skill as it happens today.
Putting the same voice for all classes and standardizing the Buff and Debuff time to 10s, such as evasion, attack power,
defense reduction, evasion reduction, accuracy, defense, bleeding, down smash and critical chance and others that I don't remember .
With the arrival of the new crystals, the Defense, HP, Resistance and Evasion of the classes increased a lot.
Like putting a table and leaving a limit of ONE for each class of Buff and Debuff in the skills,
with the same amount for all classes, where I can distribute the Buff and Debuff of each skill such as Awk,
Succ and Pre Awk. Limit of ONE Buff or Debuff per skill. It will improve the style of each player, leaving the distribution of Buff and Debuff where it is best for your gameplay like PVP and PVE. It's one less thing for Pearl Abyss to worry about when balancing.
Remove the addon TIER, leaving it up to the player to choose where to choose the addon tier in the skill.
Because there are classes that have a Tier 3 addon in a skill that they don't use and others in the best skills of the class, so there is an imbalance in the addons.

건의 게시판

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